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The Asia Pacific University School of Technology and Innovation (UCTI) was established in 2004, when the Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology (APIIT) was officially awarded the University College by the Malaysian Ministry of Higher Education. The new college college is now known as UCTI Short. The 2016 IEEE Student Conference, APU fake degree, fake certificate, fake diploma, fake transcript, organized by the APU IEEE Student Chapter on October 15th in the Malaysian Science and Technology Park Asia Pacific University of Science and Technology and the IEEE Malaysia Section, was a great success. The conference was a great success, attracting 200 participants from all IEEE student chapters in Malaysia, APU fake degree, fake certificate, fake diploma, fake transcript, including speakers and researchers from across the country who provided excellent knowledge and social interaction for participants. A large number of students, researchers and well-known experts from the Malaysian National University participated in the conference. This interdisciplinary event provides an online platform for all IEEE student branches in Malaysia and provides education for IEEE, affinity groups, APU fake degree, fake certificate, fake diploma, fake transcript, community services, funding opportunities and career development. Research cooperation and exchange of ideas between peers is one of the highlights of this conference.